What is the Yukon Land Titles Registry (YLTR)?
The Land Titles Office (LTO) offers an online portal for searching, viewing and downloading Certificates of Title, Registered Instruments, Registered Survey Plans and General Registry Certificates.
The LTO is transitioning from a paper-based to an electronic system. They are converting title, instrument, plan images and data. If you search for a title or instrument and it has not been converted yet, you’ll receive a message with instructions on how to have it converted. The LTO will convert the title or instrument and it’ll then be available to search within 3 business days.
How can you access the portal and get an account?
To access the portal you must have an account to log in. You can find instructions on how to set up an account and determine what type of account you need.
Will you be charged fees?
The Government of Yukon charges the following fees to view:
- a title is $3;
- an instrument or interest is $2; and
- a general register name search is $1.50 per name.
You do not have to pay GST on these fees.
At any time you can add funds to your account using a credit card. If you have insufficient funds you can go to the account payments page where you can add funds.
What are YLTR’s technical requirements?
Our online services are designed with pop-up windows. Before signing in, edit your pop-up blocker settings to allow pop-ups for this site.
Google Chrome browser
Specific sites can be added to an “Allow” list. Adding https://landtitles.service.yukon.ca will allow YLTR's pop-up windows to appear. For more information on how to manage pop-up settings in Chrome, visit Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome.
Microsoft Edge browser
In Microsoft Edge, you have the option to turn off the pop-up blocker when you're on a website. For more information on how to turn the pop-up blocker on or off, visit Block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge.
Firefox browser
Specific sites can be added to an “Allowed Sites – Pop-ups” list. Adding https://landtitles.service.yukon.ca will allow YLTR's pop-up windows to appear for you. For more information on how to manage pop-up settings in Firefox, visit Firefox's Pop-up blocker settings, exceptions and troubleshooting.
System requirements and recommendations
For the best experience across all applications, LTO recommends the use of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome as the browsers of choice for our online services site.
YLTR officially supports the latest versions for the following browsers:
- Google Chrome;
- Microsoft Edge; and
- Firefox.
Apple Safari is not currently supported.
Adobe Acrobat Approval or Adobe Acrobat Reader
YLTR supports the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for opening and viewing titles and instruments.
Image viewer
YLTR uses the TIFF file format for some information, including scanned grant documents and plans of survey.
There are many TIFF viewers available for free online.
Computer manufacturers generally have TIFF-viewing software factory-installed. Any image viewer that supports TIFF images will be capable of viewing these image files.
Need help?
If you need support, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5612.
For more information, contact the Land Titles Office. Email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5612; toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5612.