Apply for undeveloped land for an institution or non-profit society

You can apply for undeveloped land for your institution or non-profit society. We provide land under:

  • licences;
  • leases; or
  • agreements for sale.

When you apply as an institution or non-profit society, you can ask that the fees for the land be reduced.


To be eligible for land, you must be a:

  • public institution; or
  • non-profit society in good standing under the territorial Societies Act.

Choosing a site

You can use our GeoYukon interactive map to identify and select a proposed location for your project.

Ensure the land is available and does not overlap:

  • Settlement Land;
  • a titled parcel; or
  • other conflicting uses.

View land and property layers on GeoYukon

You can get help with GeoYukon at:

Ensure your site meets the criteria in our institution and non-profit land policy.

Application process

  1. Download, complete and sign the application form.
  2. Include with your application:
    • a detailed, to-scale site plan;
    • if the land is within a municipality, a letter from the municipality stating your application complies with municipal plans and zoning; and
    • a certificate indicating your society is in good standing under the Societies Act, if applying as a society.
  3. We recommend you review your application with our staff. We can help ensure your application is complete and the land you chose is suitable. You can visit us at:
  4. Submit your application along with an application fee of $25 plus 5 per cent GST. You can do this when you meet with our staff to review your application.

Timeline for decision

Our review of your application includes consultation with First Nations and public engagement. It typically takes 12 to 24 months to reach a decision. Throughout the process, we'll be in touch:

  • to keep you up to date on the progress of your application; and
  • if we need clarification.

After you receive our decision

  1. After we make a decision, we'll mail you a decision letter.
  2. If we approve your application, we'll mail you a licence or lease document for you to sign.
  3. After you sign the document, we'll sign the licence or lease and provide you with a final copy for your records.

If we deny your application

We'll notify you in the decision letter. You can appeal the decision.


Our client services staff can help answer your questions. Contact the Land Management Branch. Phone 867-667-5215 or email [email protected].

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