When to submit a complaint
- You believe you have been asked to give information that isn't necessary to collect.
- You are concerned about how your information is stored.
- You believe your personal information has been revealed to or used by someone who doesn't need to know it.
- A department will not release your personal information to you.
- A department is holding information about you that is incorrect and is unwilling to correct it.
- You believe your personal information has been shared with another department or organization without proper authorization.
Prepare a description of your privacy complaint
Avoid including any sensitive information in your initial request. Your description could include the following.
- What, when and where it happened.
- Using general terms, explain what type of personal information was involved.
- Describe how you believe your personal information was mishandled.
Submit your complaint
Contact the privacy officer in the department you want to submit your complaint about. They will let you know the best way you can submit the specific information related to your inquiry.
Email privacy@yukon.ca or phone 867-393-7048 if you aren't sure which department you need to contact.
If you are not happy with the department’s response
Make a formal complaint to the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Phone 867-667-8468.
Privacy collection notice
When you file a privacy complaint against the government, we have to collect your personal information so we can respond to you.
Email [email protected] or call 867-667-9477 if you have any questions about how the government collects and uses your personal information during this process.
The government collects personal information under the authority of section 29(c) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.