Find out about the Land Titles Office

What does the Land Titles Office do?

The Land Titles Office is responsible for registering the documents that transfer and affect interests in land such as:

  • mortgages;
  • liens;
  • discharges; and
  • issuing Certificates of Title that are evidence of ownership interests in land.

The office examines, registers, files and ensures accuracy of all survey plans for the Yukon.

The Land Titles Act, 2015:

  • establishes the system of registration of title to privately owned lands; and
  • gives public officials the authority to operate the system and the records that are to be maintained in the Registry.

Under this system, the government has custody of all original:

  • documents;
  • titles; and
  • plans of survey.

The government is responsible for the validity and security of all registered land title information.

Quick links

Find Land Titles Office forms.

Find out about Land Titles Office fees.

How to use the online Yukon Land Titles Registry.

Read the builders lien information sheet.

What services are not offered by the Land Titles Office?

The staff at the Land Titles Office cannot:

  • fill out documents for you – you should seek legal representation and advice where necessary;
  • act as a witness, or a notary public for the documents to be registered;
  • interpret the contents of documents – you should seek legal representation and advice where necessary; or
  • give the legal description of a property if you only have the street address.

You can get the legal description of a property from the local municipal office where the property is located.

We encourage you to become an informed consumer. We will not provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to transfer a piece of property on your own. We can, however, point you in the right direction.

How can you obtain a copy of a Certificate of Title?

Anyone can obtain a copy of the title to a property at the Land Titles Office or by searching the online Yukon Land Title Registry (YLTR).

Certificates of Title are searchable by:

  • name of registered owner(s);
  • legal description; or
  • title number.

Before you request a search

Have as much of the following information as possible:

  • name of the property owner(s);
  • lot(s);
  • block, group or quad;
  • plan number; and
  • village, town, city, subdivision or other location.

What is the fee?

$3 for a copy of a title. There is no GST added to the fee.

If you prefer not to use the online YLTR, to ask for a Certificate of Title you must submit a search request form to the Land Titles Office.

What information is contained in a Certificate of Title?

The Certificate of Title sets out the:

  • owner's name;
  • nature and limits of the owner's interest;
  • legal description of the property and all encumbrances;
  • liens and interests affecting the land;
  • owner's mailing address (not necessarily the address of the property);
  • date of the transfer; and
  • declared value, which does not always reflect the purchase price.

How to read your Certificate of Title.

How can you change your address on your Certificate of Title?

  1. Download the Land Titles Office change of address form, or pick it up from the office.
  2. Sign, complete and return the form to the office.

The Land Titles Change of Address form is not the same as the Government of Yukon change of address form.

What else should you search for while you're at the Land Titles Office?

The General Register (GR) is where Writs of Seizure and Sale, among other instruments, are registered. The GR is searchable by name. When a GR search is requested a General Register Certificate (GRC) is produced. In addition to Writs of Seizure and Sale, a GRC will show all GR instruments under the name you search for, such as:

  • general powers of attorney; and
  • court orders, such as:
    • granting probate;
    • letters of administration;
    • receivership; and
    • assignments in bankruptcy.

You can search the GR through the online YLTR. If you do not want to use the online YLTR to obtain a GRC, you must submit a Certificate of Title search request form to the Land Titles Office.

What is the fee?

$1.50 for each search by name. There is no GST added to the fee.

How to ask for a search

  1. Download the Certificate of Title search request form.
  2. Fill out the form.
  3. Submit the form.
    In person:
    Andrew A. Philipsen Law Centre
    2130 2nd Avenue (ground floor) in Whitehorse.

    Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Email: [email protected]
    Fax: 867-393-6358
    Government of Yukon
    Land Titles Office (J-2A)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

When will you receive your search results?

If you use the online YLTR, you’ll receive your search results within minutes. If you submitted your request in person or by email, fax or mail, you’ll receive the search results within 5 business days of the Land Titles Office receiving your search request.


For more information, contact the Land Titles Office. Email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5612; toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5612.

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