Apply for funding to find, hire and keep workers – Staffing UP

The Staffing UP program can help you as an employer to:

  • find, hire, and keep workers that are a good fit for your organization;
  • train new or existing workers to meet your needs;
  • develop workplace supports to accommodate your staff;
  • enhance your human resource knowledge and practice;
  • get and use labour market information; and
  • connect with other employers to find and keep workers.


We can consider your business for this funding program if you:

  • are a Yukon employer, meaning that you provide work for at least 1 individual in addition to yourself; and
  • are not a federal, provincial or territorial government, or Crown corporation.

If you have no staff, you may be eligible for support under the Working Up program instead.

First Nations governments

First Nations governments can apply to this program. We also work on a government-to-government basis to fund First Nations-led labour market initiatives.

How Staffing UP funding decisions are made

We base approval for funding on matching our priorities to your specific needs. Your application must show that you need help to find, hire and keep workers.

Our priorities are employers that:

  • have fewer than 20 employees;
  • need help to develop human resource capacity and practice; and
  • are seeking support to hire a member from an under-represented group such as;
    • Yukon First Nations Citizens;
    • youth under the age of 30;
    • persons with disabilities;
    • workers over the age of 50;
    • women in trades and technology; and
    • newcomers to Canada.

A group is underrepresented if their ratio in the workforce is less than their ratio in the general population.

What can be funded through the Staffing UP program?

Find, hire and keep workers

We provide 3 wage subsidy options for the following situations.

1. Fill a permanent existing position with a worker who lacks experience

The maximum duration of 1 year at 60% of the base wage.

2. Perform a workplace-based assessment of a worker’s skills and interests

The maximum duration of 8 weeks. All employer costs are eligible.

3. Provide on-the-job training so the worker gains work experience

Up to 24 weeks duration. All employer costs are eligible.

What costs may be funded?

1. Project delivery costs for participants, either individuals or employers, can include the following:

  • Wages (all or part, depending on which option you select).

  • Mandatory employment-related costs (for example: Employment Insurance or the Canada Pension Plan). In most cases, it's the employer’s responsibility to pay these costs. We'll consider paying all or part of these costs for:
    • workplace assessments; and
    • work experience.

2. Project delivery costs for employer portions of benefits and training costs (including travel) can be included. 

3. Operating and overhead costs including:

  • Payments to instructors, consultants or other activity providers
  • Materials and supplies
  • Supports related to a disability
  • Training costs (including travel) if billed to your business

4. Administrative costs for reimbursement for the use of existing resources for this project can be included.

5. Training current and future worker costs including: 

 Training subsidy for 3rd-party training that will:

  • improve the performance of an existing employee in their current job;
  • ready an existing employee for promotion or expansion of your business; or
  • provide a new or future worker with the skills you need for your business.

We can fund your training at the following levels:

  • 60% for an employee not paid while in training;
  • 70% for an employee paid while in training;
  • 80% for training a potential employee who is unemployed; or
  • 90% for training:
    • a potential employee who is unemployed; and 
    • a member of an under-represented group.

Providing ongoing training and development is a key strategy for keeping workers. You’re best placed to know what training will benefit your organization and to identify the best candidate to meet your needs. While we cannot fund normal onboarding training, we can fund training in addition to your normal onboarding offerings.

How to apply

  1. Contact us. We'll help you develop your application.
  2. After we've come up with a plan together, complete your application.
  3. Submit your application.
    In person: by appointment
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: 867-667-5906
    Toll free: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 5906