By law, every person has to report situations where a child or youth under 19 years of age needs protection.
Children and youth may experience crime in many settings, including:
- at home;
- in school;
- online; or
- in neighbourhoods.
They can experience crime in many forms, such as:
- bullying or harassment by peers;
- sexualized or domestic violence;
- child maltreatment; and
- community violence.
They may be victims of:
- adults;
- other young people; or
- people they know and trust such as family members.
Exposure to violence can harm a child’s development and sense of safety and well-being.
Obligation to report crimes
If a child or youth is in immediate danger, phone 911.
Tell Family and Children's Services if you know a child is being:
- abused;
- neglected;
- sexually exploited; or
- if children are part of a family with a domestic violence situation.
Contact Family and Children's Services
In person: 1st Floor, Royal Bank Building, 4114 – 4th Avenue in Whitehorse
Phone: 867-667-3002 or toll free (Yukon, Nunavut and NWT) 1-800-661-0408
You can report situations by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Report online sexualized abuse or exploitation
To report online situations where children or youth are being sexually abused or exploited:
- phone 911; and
- report online at the Cybertip tip line or by phone toll free 1-866-658-9022
Canada’s national tip line receives information from the public about:
- child pornography;
- travelling to sexually exploit a child;
- child trafficking; and
- children exploited though prostitution.
Cybertip can provide:
- information;
- referrals; and
- other resources.
Parents want to keep their children safe. When children or youth are victims of crime, this can be very hard for parents and caregivers, as well as the young victims.
Parents and caregivers
- Assure the child or youth that they did the right thing in telling someone.
- React calmly.
- Let the child know that talking usually helps and be there to listen.
- Reassure the child or youth that what happened is not their fault.
- Accept that the child or youth may “act out” but set limits.
- Understand your own feelings and take care of yourself.
- Discuss with the child or youth any steps to take.
- Watch for signs that the child or youth needs additional support or help.
- Contact Victim Services to get support.
Take a look at this resource for parents and caregivers for more information on how to support a child or youth victim of harm or crime.
What can Victim Services do for child and youth victims?
If a child or youth is a victim of crime, Victim Services can provide support for them and their family members. Victim Services provides a range of support and information:
- provide crisis support for parents, children and youth, and other affected family members;
- listen and help young victims tell their story and be heard;
- help children and youth and their parents develop a safety plan if needed; and
- help victims get support from other agencies.
Services available through the Victim Services Child and Youth Program are:
- one point of contact for families;
- connecting families with a specially trained police officer for child interviews;
- testifying in court by video;
- access to witness rooms for families during court; and
- court preparation for children and parents.
You can also find supports and resources through the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.
Watch this video on how a victim services worker can help with the court process.
Resources for children and youth
Child, Youth and Family Treatment Services Government of Yukon
Family and Children Services Government of Yukon
Healthy Families Government of Yukon
Child, Youth and Family Health Kwanlin Dün First Nation
Youth Emergency Shelter Skookum Jim Friendship Centre
Cybertip Canada’s tipline to report the online sexual exploitation of children.
Jordan's Principles Ensures First Nation children receive the services they need.
Child or youth victims
Being victimized can impact a young person’s view of the world as a safe place. Children and youth may be affected by crime in many ways, emotionally and physically. At different development stages, children may express emotions differently.
Responses can include things such as:
- being more clingy;
- withdrawing;
- having stomach aches;
- exhibiting anxiety and depression;
- denying there's anything wrong; and
- "acting out” when they find it hard to express their feelings.
Parents and family
Emotions among parents and other family members can be significant as well. These can include:
- shock;
- disbelief;
- shame;
- blame; and
- fear of further harm.
Parents might even be angry at the child, depending on the circumstances. Siblings might be confused or become overprotective.
It's important that families get the support they need. If you're affected by a crime, even if not directly, you can access the support of Victim Services.
Victim Services
You can phone or drop in to talk to us (no appointment required) Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: [email protected]
In person: 212 Main Street, 2nd Floor – Suite 210
Phone: 867-667-8500
Toll free: 1-800-661-0408
Dawson City
In person: 813B 3rd Avenue
Phone: 867-993-5831
Watson Lake
In person: 820 Adela Trail
Phone: 867-536-2541