Wood Bison




  • Common name: Wood Bison
  • Scientific name: Bison bison athabascae
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Family: Bovidae
  • Indigenous names for this species may be available through the Yukon Native Language Centre

Also known as

American Bison, Buffalo

Viewing opportunities

  • Many Yukoners and visitors have had a close encounter with Wood Bison on the Alaska Highway south of Watson Lake, where a herd can be found along the road.
  • The Aishihik Wood Bison herd have become much more wary of humans since the hunting began in 1998. They disappear from sight into the forest when snowmobiles are heard during the hunting season.
  • The best way to see bison in winter is to look for recent tracks and follow them quietly. Look up at the hillsides and study your surroundings carefully with binoculars.
  • In summer, you will likely need to hike into the alpine to find the Wood Bison, although they can also be found in wet sedge meadows in low-lying areas along the Aishihik Road.
  • Bison are large, powerful animals that should be safely viewed from a distance.


  • Large bovine with dark brown fur.
  • Distinctive hump of the neck ahead of forelegs.
  • Head has darker, shaggy fur.
  • Long beard hanging down from chin.
  • Both males and females have short, black curved horns.

Fast Facts

  • Height: 1.8 m
  • Weight: Males weigh around 950 kg and females weigh around 600 kg
  • Lifespan: 15 to 25 years
  • Predators: Wolves, bears
  • Habitat: Sedge meadows preferred, but also boreal mixed forest and alpine plateaus

Conservation status

What is conservation status?

  • Yukon: S3 (Vulnerable)
  • Global: G4T3Q (Apparently Secure)

Yukon population estimate

1,200 to 1,400.


Herds are usually made up of a mixed group of cows, calves and sub-adults. Mature bulls are solitary or form small groups and will join the herd during breeding season. In summer, bison find relief from the biting flies by wallowing in sand pits and spending time in the alpine. In winter, Wood Bison use their huge heads and hooves to move deep snow aside to forage.


Grasses, sedges, willow leaves and twigs




Sights and sounds




Woof Bison track: 11.5 x 12.5 cm.
Wallow pit.



Paddies or pancakes: 30 cm.


Bison and people

  • Since 1980, the Yukon has participated in a national recovery effort by reintroducing a free-ranging herd to the territory near the Nisling River.

Management Plan

Download the Conservation and Action Plan for the Aishihik Bison (Bison bison) Population and view the infographic




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