Register for exercise services to manage your chronic condition

Yukoners with chronic conditions can access free exercise services. After an initial assessment, the clinical exercise specialist will:

  • recommend available exercise services; and
  • outline strategies that’ll help improve your fitness and health.

This service includes:

  • risk screening and activity plan development;
  • supervised group exercise classes;
  • virtual exercise classes; and
  • exercise routine development. This includes recommendations on how to stay safe while being active and exercising.

How to register for exercise services

  1. Go to your family clinic or health care provider.
  2. Get a referral from your health care provider.
  3. Call or visit Chronic Conditions Support Program (CCSP) office.
  4. Attend an intake appointment at the CCSP office and discuss your health goals with the team.
  5. You and the CCSP team will discuss and decide on when you'll start the pulmonary rehabilitation program.

If you want to self-refer, you can skip to step 3 without needing a referral from a health care provider.

If you self-refer, we will inform your health care provider.


For more information, visit our office at unit 300, 4201-4th Ave., Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5A1, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-8733. Phone toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 8733.

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