Get your new health care card
Over the next year, eligible Yukoners will receive new health care cards. These cards come with updated features and improvements, making them more secure and easier to manage
What's new?
We’re excited to launch the new health care card. The health care card has some new features:

- All eligible Yukoners will receive a new health care card over the next year. Make sure you update your contact information to ensure you receive your card.
- You can choose French as your preferred language of care. Once updated in your information, your new card will display an “FR” identifier. We’re collecting this information to help plan for health care services.
- French characters can be used on your card.
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- Your new card will no longer require yearly stickers. Your card will be reissued every 5 years.
- Added security features:
- Anti-scan patterns
- Multiple laser-receptive layers
- Unique document control
In the future, the cards will include a photo to enhance security and identification. You’ll notice a spot for your photo on your first card.
Update your information prior to receiving your card
Ensure your address is current to receive your new card.
To update your information, phone 867-667-5209 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5209, or visit us in person:
- In Whitehorse: 4th floor, 204 Lambert Street
- In rural communities: territorial agents.
Did not receive your new card?
If you have not received your new health care card by the expiry date on your old card contact us by email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5209 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5209.
Dispose of your old card
Once you receive your new card, use it for all insured health services. Your old card can be securely disposed of by cutting it up and discarding it.
Organ donation
Registered organ donors will have a heart symbol on their new card. You can help save lives by choosing to be an organ and tissue donor.
Learn how to become an organ donor.
Extended health care and pharmacare benefits
Seniors who are eligible for extended health benefits and pharmacare will see PHARMACARE ASSURANCE-MÉDICAMENTS on the bottom of the new card to demonstrate coverage for these additional benefits.
Learn about pharmacare and extended health benefits for seniors
Extended leave from the Yukon
If you plan to be outside the Yukon for 6 months or longer, complete and submit a notification of extended absence form to maintain your health care coverage.
Learn more about your health care coverage.
More information
You can find additional information about health care in the Yukon by visiting:
If you have questions, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5209 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5209.