Find services if you have a disability

We offer a range of supports to help people with disabilities. We want to help you:

  • live with maximum independence;
  • be part of your community; and
  • live with dignity.

Support for children

Children’s Disability Services provides funding for families to care for and promote the inclusion of their child with a disability in the community up to 19 years of age.

Support for adults

Adult's Disability Services provides support for adults 19 years of age or older living with intellectual or developmental disabilities. We offer:

  • case management with a focus to promote inclusion in the community;
  • respite funding for families caring for loved ones;
  • community supports such as day programs; and
  • a range of supported living services

Developmental Diagnostic and Support Clinic (DDSC)

 The DDSC is part of Disability Services. They offer:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assessments and diagnosis for school-aged children; and
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) assessments and diagnosis for adults

For more information, email us at [email protected] or phone 867-393-7464.

Care at home

Our home care program provides acute, chronic, palliative, rehabilitation services and respite care. We work closely with other government departments, First Nation governments, medical facilities and community partners. 

People on social assistance

If you receive or are eligible to receive social assistance you may be eligible to receive the Yukon supplementary allowance.

At the library

Find out about services to library users of all ages with print disabilities.

Recreation supports

The Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee administers funding for sport and recreation groups. People with disabilities are 1 of 5 target groups for funding.

Going to college or university

If you're a student with a disability can apply for post-secondary funding.


Staff can accommodate an inmate's special needs. Nursing staff are available to dispense medication and monitor medical conditions.

Support for victims and offenders

Victim Services:

  • provides services to victims of crime and to spousal abuse and sexual abuse offenders; and
  • the Sex Offender Risk Management Program which helps people with developmental disabilities.

In the Public Service Commission

Disability Services offers a variety of programs and supports for job seekers with disabilities.

At Yukon University

The Learning Assistance Centre offers services for students with:

  • visual, mobility and hearing impairments;
  • with hidden disabilities, such as chronic medical conditions, learning disabilities, and psychiatric and emotional disabilities.

Staff work with faculty and students to minimize the impact of the disability in the learning process.

Loans for home repairs

Low-interest loans to homeowners seeking to repair their homes for a variety of reasons, including improving accessibility. Subsidies on loan repayment may be available to people with low incomes.

Help with discrimination

The  Yukon Human Rights Commission  provides information to Yukoners about their human rights. They provide help in cases of discrimination on the basis of mental or physical disability, sex, race, etc.

Help for workers on the job

The Workers' Advocate Office supports advocacy services for workers:

  • with on-the-job injuries or disabilities; and
  • who are dealing with Workers Compensation Health and Safety Board.

The Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board provides services to workers who've been injured or disabled on the job. The rehabilitation services unit helps injured workers access appropriate medical, physical and vocational rehabilitation services.

Compensation benefits may include:

  • earnings-loss;
  • permanent impairment;
  • medical aid;
  • annuities;
  • spousal, guardian or children's pensions; and
  • a range of disability supports and rehabilitation.

Other resources in Yukon

  • Autism Yukon, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families and individuals living with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Child Development Centre, provides support for children.
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon offers “Trying Differently: A Guide for Daily Living and Working with FASD.” This is a collection of recommended strategies and interventions from parents, caregivers and professionals who live and work with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
  • LDAY Centre for Learning is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of learning differences. They support children, youth and adults with learning difficulties or disabilities.
  • Inclusion Yukon advocates for the supports needed to allow children and youth to experience inclusion in:
    • education;
    • employment; and
    • the larger social context.
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