All not-for-profit organizations need a licence to hold a chase-the-ace style lottery.
Follow the steps outlined here. This will ensure you complete the licence application process correctly.
Chase-the-ace style lotteries are a kind of progressive raffle where the jackpot continues to grow over time.
In chase-the-ace there are 2 chances to win at every event that’s held: the initial ticket draw and the jackpot game.
In the initial draw, a winning ticket is pulled and the holder of the winning ticket takes a percentage of the day’s ticket sales. The initial draw winner then plays the jackpot game by choosing a playing card from a deck of cards. If they draw the pre-determined winning card, they also win the jackpot.
If they don’t draw the winning card, the card they chose is destroyed and the remaining cards are secured until the next event. The jackpot can continue to grow over several events until someone pulls the winning card.
Confirm your organization’s eligibility
- If you have not already done so, you must apply to confirm your organization is eligible to hold a raffle.
- Complete and submit the eligibility application to us.
- Do not apply for a gaming licence until we’ve confirmed your eligibility.
Review terms and conditions
Before you apply, you should learn the terms and conditions for holding a chase-the-ace style lottery.
- We highlight key terms and conditions in our instructions on how to hold a chase-the-ace style lottery.
- We'll send you a complete list of terms and conditions as part of your licence if we approve your application.
- You should also refer to the Lottery Licensing Act Regulations.
Get your board of directors’ approval
Your board of directors must pre-approve your application for a chase-the-ace style lottery licence.
- Have the board pass a motion approving your application.
- Record this motion in your organization’s minutes.
- Provide a copy of the minutes with your application.
Before you apply, you must establish house rules that comply with the terms and conditions of your licence.
We highlight key terms and conditions on the How to hold a chase-the-ace style lottery page. You can include additional rules, but they must comply with the Lottery Licensing Act Regulations.
Your chase-the-ace style lottery rules of play must state:
- the dates, time periods and location for your events;
- the maximum jackpot (no more than $100,000);
- what card wins the jackpot (the specific card);
- the period in which tickets may be sold on the day of a specific draw (this cannot be more than 7 hours);
- how you'll run the initial ticket draw,
- how you'll run the jackpot draw
- your termination plan;
- how and when you'll award prizes;
- any age limit for playing; and
- your complaint process, including the name and contact information of the person you've designated to address potential complaints.
The government is not responsible for the content of your rules of play. We review your rules of play to make sure they include all legally required elements before we issue your licence.
Include a copy of your proposed rules of play with your application. This will be included, with any necessary modifications, in the terms and conditions of your licence. The approved rules of play must be displayed at your draw venue, and a copy made available to anyone who wishes to see them.
Create a sample ticket
- Provide a mock-up of your ticket with your application package.
- The sample ticket format found on page 4 of the application can serve as a guide. It identifies the essential information your ticket must contain.
- Tickets must be commercially printed.
Download the chase-the-ace style lottery application and complete it.
You can also request the application:
- In person: 307 Black Street, 1st floor, in Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- By email: [email protected].
- By phone: 867-667-5111 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5111.
Gather all supporting documents
Copy of motion approving your application
- Your board of directors must pass a motion approving your application.
- Provide a copy of the meeting minutes with your application.
Copy of your house rules
- Include a copy of your proposed house rules with your application.
Sample ticket
- Provide a mock-up of your ticket with your application package.
- The sample ticket format found on page 4 of the application can serve as a guide. It identifies the essential information your ticket must contain.
- Tickets must be commercially printed.
You will also need to submit your licence fee with your application.
- The fee to hold a chase-the-ace style lottery is $100 plus 1% of your total ticket sales.
- You must include the $100 with your licence application and provide the rest within 30 days of your licence ending.
How to pay
You can pay by:
- cheque;
- credit card;
- cash; or
- debit.
- Complete the payment information form.
- Provide a cheque in the appropriate amount made out to Government of Yukon.
- After we issue your licence, we'll cash your cheque.
Credit card
- Complete the payment information form.
- If you submit your application in person, by courier or mail, you may include your credit card info on your payment information form.
- If you submit your application by email or fax, do not include your credit card info on your form. We'll contact you for your credit card info.
- After we issue your licence, we'll take payment.
Cash or debit
- You can only pay by cash or debit if you can pay in person at our office in Whitehorse.
- Complete the payment information form.
- We'll hold your licence at our office after we issue it.
- We'll take payment by cash or debit when you pick up the licence.
Submit your entire application package at least 10 days before the 1st day you propose to sell tickets.
What to include
Your application package must include:
- the completed application;
- all supporting documents;
- your payment information form;
- your fees, if paying by cheque.
Submit your application package:
- In person or by courier at 307 Black Street, Whitehorse Y1A 2N1. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail:
Government of Yukon
Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (C-5)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Processing time
It typically takes 10 business days to approve a chase-the-ace style lottery licence. Once we reach our decision we'll contact you by phone or email.
If approved, your licence will contain a full description of terms and conditions.
Before you go ahead with your chase-the-ace style lottery, you should review our information on how to hold a chase-the-ace style lottery. Doing so, will help ensure your lottery is legal.
For questions about applying for a chase-the-ace style lottery, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5111, toll-free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408 extension 5111.