We collect a royalty on the oil and gas extracted from Yukon. However, as there is no oil and gas production happening at the moment, no royalties are being collected.
We calculate the royalty amount using a royalty return. The royalty return will include:
- the quantity of oil, gas, and field condensate extracted;
- the royalty payable;
- any allowances that apply; and
- the prescribed prices for resources.
Read guidelines on how the royalty for oil and gas is calculated.
Pay your royalty
- We'll draft your royalty return approximately 3 weeks after the end of a production month.
- We'll email you the return. We'll include a your royalty statement. If we levy a penalty or interest in a production month, we'll also send an invoice for the amount.
- You or your agent reviews the draft royalty return to verify it. If an error is determined, you can apply for a recalculation. Contact the Geothermal and Petroleum Resources Branch to learn how. Phone 867-667-5026 or email [email protected].
- If the royalty return is correct, have an authorized person sign it.
- Prepare your payment. Your payment must include:
- the total royalty payable for the production month;
- any amendments to the royalty;
- interest; and
- penalties.
- You must make your payment by the last day of the month following the production month. Submit your payment.
Electronic deposit:
Contact the Geothermal and Petroleum Resources Branch to set up an account. Phone 867-667-5026.
Government of Yukon
Geothermal and Petroleum Resources Branch (K-11)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
If we do not receive your payment on or before the due date, we'll add interest.