How to apply for a park permit

We'll process complete and submitted applications in 30 business days. It will take us 60 business days to process a land use application.

Apply for activities proposed between April 1 and March 31, of the following year. If activities occur between May 1 and September 30, we recommend that you submit your application early.

Application fee

  • A $40, non-refundable, application fee is required.
  • Applications will not be processed until payment is received.
  • Payment does not guarantee a permit will be issued.
  • Yukon Parks will contact applicants to process the application fee.

How to apply

  1. Choose the appropriate park permit application.
  2. Submit your completed application.
    Email: [email protected]
    In person: Yukon Parks Branch offices in Dawson, Inuvik or Whitehorse.
    Fax: 867-393-6223
    Government of Yukon
    Parks Branch (V-4)
    Box 2703
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Application process

Under the Parks and Land Certainty Act, when you apply for a permit we can charge you if you:

  • provide false information; or
  • do not provide a fact relevant to your application.

Under section 44 of the Parks and Land Certainty Act, you may have to provide security. This is to ensure you complete specific terms or conditions of your park permit.

We may consult with First Nation or Inuvialuit governments if their traditional territory may be affected by the activities proposed in your application.


For more information about park permits email [email protected], or phone 867-993-7714. Phone toll-free in the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut 1-800-661-0408, extension 5648.

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