Pesticide products registered under the federal Pest Control Products Act are divided into three categories based on their intended use:
- domestic;
- commercial; and
- restricted.
Pesticide use permits
You must have a pesticide use permit if you are applying:
- commercial or restricted products;
- commercial or restricted products on your private property;
- domestic, commercial or restricted products in your tenant's home;
- domestic, commercial or restricted products by aircraft;
- products within 30 metres of an open body of water, or above an open body of water;
- commercial or restricted products for research purposes;
- domestic, commercial or restricted products on daycare, nursing home, school or hospital property; or
- possessing a pesticide or fertilizer listed in Schedule 4 of the regulations.
Look up a list of pesticide products in Canada and their classification (domestic, commercial, restricted) under Canada's Pest Control Products Act to find out if the product you plan to use needs a pesticide use permit.
Pesticide service permits
You must have a pesticide service permit if you are applying commercial or restricted pesticide products as a service.
Pesticide vendor permits
You must have a pesticide vendor permit if you are selling commercial or restricted pesticide products as retailers or wholesalers.
- The sale of domestic pesticide products is not regulated.
- The agricultural sector is largely exempt from the regulations if handling occurs on the owner's property. However, permits are required if you plan to apply pesticides by aircraft or near an open body of water.
You must be certified to sell, use or handle pesticides before you apply for a pesticide permit. We accept certification from other Canadian jurisdictions and assist Yukon residents who are obtaining certification from British Columbia.
This can be a lengthy process. Make sure you allocate enough time to ensure you get your pesticide applicator’s certificate before you apply for any permits.
Process for getting your pesticide applicator's certificate
Order your study material
- Study kits are available from the BC Distribution Centre in Victoria. Order your study kit by calling 250-952-4460 or by emailing [email protected].
- Study kits will be mailed to you.
- If you are mailing the application form, make sure you enclose the appropriate payment as outlined on the price list it comes with. Further instructions are noted on the order form.
- You don't have to get a study kit to prepare for the written exam; you can simply request to write the exam.
Schedule your written exam
- Once you are ready to write your exam, contact Environmental Programs at 867-667-5683 or toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5683, or email [email protected] to make arrangements. We will order your exam directly from the BC government agent's office.
- You can write your exam at the Department of Environment office in Whitehorse at 10 Burns Road or we can make arrangements for you to write the exam at approved agencies throughout the Yukon.
Take the exam
- Exams are open book. You may use reference materials and calculators.
- Exams cost $90. Bring the payment with you when you write your exam. You can pay by Visa, cheque or money order (payable to the BC Minister of Finance). Cash is not accepted.
- You must score 60% or better to obtain certification.
- A score of:
- 75% and above will give you a 5-year certification.
- 60 to 74% gets a 1-year certification; and
- 59% and below means you will need to take the test again.
After the exam
- When you complete of the exam, we courier the exam and fee to the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for marking.
- You can expect to get your exam results 3 to 4 weeks after writing your exam. The results will be mailed to the address you provided on your exam form.
- Make sure you have your pesticide applicator certificate.
- Complete the Pesticide use or pesticide service permit application form, including the signature block at the end of the form and all the required attachments.
- Submit the completed application
Email: [email protected]
In person: at the Department of Environment office at 10 Burns Road in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Environmental Programs
Government of Yukon
Box 2703 (V-8)
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
After you apply
- We may conduct a pre-permit inspection before we issue any permit.
- An assessment of the activity you are undertaking may be required under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act.
- Additional information may be required once we receive your application.
- Public consultation for 14 to 30 days is required prior to the application of pesticides in the Yukon, depending on the product applied. Please be aware of this restriction when planning your application schedule.
- Payment of a technical review fee may be required prior to issuing your permit.
- Make sure you have your pesticide applicator certificate.
- Complete the Pesticide vendor permit application form, including the signature block at the end of the form.
- Submit the completed application
Email: [email protected]
In person: at the Department of Environment office at 10 Burns Road in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Environmental Programs
Government of Yukon
Box 2703 (V-8)
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
After you apply
- We may conduct a pre-permit inspection before issuing any permit.
- An assessment of the activity you are undertaking may be required under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Act.
- Additional information may be required once we receive your application.
For questions about commercial pesticide use, email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-5683 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5683.