Apply for a physiotherapist certificate

All physiotherapists in the Yukon must:

  • register;
  • hold a Yukon certificate; and
  • renew their certificate every year.

Each certificate type listed below has information on:

  • eligibility;
  • documentation requirements; and
  • fees.

We recommend reading this information below before applying.

Apply using the online portal

A full certificate allows you to:

  • use the title of physiotherapist; and
  • work to the full extent of the Yukon's regulations.


You must meet 1 of the following sets of requirements.

Option 1


  • hold a full certificate in another jurisdiction; and
  • are in good standing in that jurisdiction.

This is the only option for international applicants.

Option 2

You have:

  • graduated from an approved physiotherapy program in the past 3 years; and
  • passed the written the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) and either passed a Canadian clinical exam or undergone a clinical assessment considered to be the equivalent to the clinical component of the PCE.

If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:

  • we'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
  • we may not approve your registration or licensing.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

All applicants

  • Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card)
  • A copy of your physiotherapy diploma
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Special endorsement form (if applicable)

Applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

Applicants not registered to practise in another jurisdiction

  • Proof of completion of the written PCE.
  • Proof of completion of an exam or assessment deemed equivalent to the clinical PCE exam.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

Fees and payment information


Registration (one-time fee): $40

Annual certificate: $200


  1. When you submit your application online, you must pay your one-time registration fee.
    • You must pay this fee before we'll review and approve your application.
    • The online system will prompt you to pay by credit card.
    • This fee is non-refundable.
  2. If we approve your application, we'll email you an invoice for your annual licensing fee. Once you receive this invoice, you can pay through the portal.

A temporary certificate allows you to:

  • use the title of physiotherapist;
  • work to the full extent of the Yukon's regulations; and
  • practise in the Yukon for less than a 3-month period in a licence year.

The licence year runs from February 1 to January 31.

You cannot renew a temporary licence.


You must meet 1 of the following sets of requirements.

Option 1


  • hold a full certificate in another jurisdiction; and
  • are in good standing in that jurisdiction.

This is the only option for international applicants.

Option 2

You have:

  • graduated from an approved physiotherapy program in the past 3 years; and
  • passed the written Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) and an exam or assessment deemed equivalent to the clinical component of the PCE.

If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:

  • we'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
  • we may not approve your registration or licensing.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

All applicants

  • Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card)
  • A copy of your physiotherapy diploma
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Special endorsement form (if applicable)

Applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

Applicants not registered to practise in another jurisdiction

  • Proof of completion of the written PCE.
  • Proof of completion of an exam or assessment deemed equivalent to the clinical PCE exam.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

Fees and payment information


Registration (one-time fee): $40

Annual certificate fee: $50


  1. When you submit your application online, you must pay your one-time registration fee.
    • You must pay this fee before we'll review and approve your application.
    • The online system will prompt you to pay by credit card.
    • This fee is non-refundable.
  2. If we approve your application, we'll email you an invoice for your annual licence fee. Once you receive this invoice, you can pay through the portal.

An interim certificate allows you to:

  • hold a certificate if you have not completed an exam or assessment deemed to be equivalent to the clinical component of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE);
  • work under supervision; and
  • use the title of interim physiotherapist.

You can only renew an interim certificate 1 time.


You must meet all of the following requirements. You must have:

  • graduated from an approved physiotherapy program;
  • registered for an exam or assessment deemed to be equivalent to the clinical component of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE);
  • enlisted a supervisor who holds a full certificate in the Yukon; and
  • never renewed your interim certificate or have renewed it only once.

If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:

  • we'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
  • we may not approve your registration or licensing.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as PDF, JPG or PNG.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

All applicants

  • Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card)
  • A copy of your physiotherapy diploma
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Proof of completion of the written Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE)
  • Letter from your Yukon supervisor including confirmation that they understand the practice-based assessment requirements.

Applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

Yukon clinical assessment

With the absence of the clinical component of the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE), the Registrar of Physiotherapists has determined that the Saskatchewan Practice Based Assessment is the equivalent.

You'll find complete information regarding the eligibility and process for the Practice Based Assessment on the Saskatchewan Practice Based Assessment page .

Interim physiotherapists must arrange the assessment through Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs and not directly with the Saskatchewan College of Physical Therapists.


Registration (one-time fee): $40

Annual licence fee: $200


  1. When you submit your application online, you must pay your one-time registration fee.
    • You must pay this fee before we'll review and approve your application.
    • The online system will prompt you to pay by credit card.
    • This fee is non-refundable.
  2. If we approve your application, we'll email you an invoice for your annual licensing fee. Once you receive this invoice, you can pay through the portal.

An inactive certificate allows you to maintain your standing as a physiotherapist in the Yukon if you will not be actively practising.


Only people who already hold a full physiotherapist certificate in the Yukon can apply for an inactive licence.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

All applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

Fees and payment information


Registration fee: none

Annual licence fee: $40


If we approve your application, we'll email you an invoice for your annual licence fee. Once you receive this invoice, you can pay through the portal.

A courtesy certificate allows you to:

  • work in the Yukon for the purpose of teaching or research: and
  • support visiting athletes and artists.

Courtesy certificates are valid for the time requested by the applicant.


You must meet 1 of the following sets of requirements.

Option 1


  • hold a full certificate in another jurisdiction; and
  • are in good standing in that jurisdiction.

Option 2

You have:

  • graduated from an approved physiotherapy program; and
  • passed the written Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) and an exam or assessment deemed equivalent to the clinical component of the PCE.

Option 3


  • hold an international degree or diploma; and
  • can demonstrate your education and competence is appropriate for the purpose of your visit to the Yukon.

If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:

  • we'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
  • we may not approve your registration or licensing.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

All applicants

  • Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card)
  • A copy of your physiotherapy diploma
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Letter of support

Applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

Fees and payment information


Registration (1-time fee): $40

Annual licence fee: $0


  1. When you submit your application online, you must pay your 1-time registration fee.
    • You must pay this fee before we'll review and approve your application.
    • The online system will prompt you to pay by credit card.
    • This fee is non-refundable.

A student certificate allows you to:

  • work under supervision; and
  • use the title of student physiotherapist.

Student certificates are valid only for the time the student will be doing their practical training under the supervision of a physiotherapist with a full certificate.

You cannot renew a student licence.


You must meet all of the following requirements. You must have:

  • enrolled in an approved physiotherapy program;
  • enlisted a supervisor who holds a full certificate in the Yukon.

If you've had any complaints or disciplinary or criminal action against you:

  • we'll assess your eligibility on a case-by-case basis; and
  • we may not approve your registration or licensing.

Required documentation

You'll need to provide the following documents with your application. You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

All applicants

  • Your current government-issued photo ID (not a health care card)
  • Letter of recommendation from school
  • Letter from and organization in the Yukon

Applicants registered to practise in another jurisdiction

Your verification of registration, sent directly to Professional Licensing and Regulatory Affairs from all jurisdictions currently and previously licensed in.

The portal has more details on these documentation requirements.

Fees and payment information


Registration (one-time fee): $0

Annual licence fee: $0

All physiotherapists licensed in the Yukon can apply for the following endorsements.

  • Acupuncture
  • Acupuncture (dry needling and intramuscular stimulation)
  • Spinal manipulation
  • Urogenital and rectal conditions

The following documentation must be submitted when you apply for any of the listed endorsements.

  • A copy of diploma, degree or certificate for the completed program for the chosen endorsement.
  • A copy of the documentation from the instructor or institution that shows the process and results of your final evaluation.

You must provide these in an electronic format such as JPG, PDF or PNG.

To add an endorsement to your licence simply go to “Request a licence change” when you're logged into the online portal. There you'll find the “Request a special endorsement” button which will guide you through the process.

Apply using the online portal

For all certificate types, except if they're inactive

  1. Create a profile. With your profile you'll be able to:
    • log in to the portal at any time;
    • upload documents;
    • view your registration information; and
    • apply for a certificate.
    • Apply for a certificate. Follow the steps after clicking on "Apply for a certificate" under the "Licensing" tab.
  2. Refer to information on this page if needed.

For inactive licences

  1. Log in to the portal
  2. Select the "Forms" tab from the top menu.
  3. Click on "Request a change to your certificate".
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the process.


  • You do not have to submit an application to create a profile on the portal.
  • Prepare your documents ahead of time. Save them first as digital files so that they're ready to upload when you apply.
  • You can take a picture of a document with your mobile device to submit it as a digital document.

For questions about the application process, email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5111, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5111.

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