Get an ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons permit

Do I need an ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons permit?

The Government of Yukon regulates the recovery, recycling and disposal of ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons (ODS&OH).

You need a permit to handle, possess, purchase or use these items if they contain ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons:

Visit the Government of Canada’s information page on ODS&OH for more information.

Apply for an ozone depleting substances permit

  1. Complete an approved environmental awareness course by the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada, the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society or another approved educational institution.
  2. Complete the ODS&OH permit application form.
  3. Submit the form.Email: [email protected]
    In person: at the Department of Environment office at 10 Burns Road in Whitehorse. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Environmental Protection and Assessment
    Government of Yukon 
    Box 2703 (V-8)
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
  4. Once you receive your permit, you must service equipment according to the Government of Canada's Environmental Code of Practice for elimination of fluorocarbon emissions. You cannot release ozone depleting substances and other halocarbons.

Properly service your fridges, freezers and air conditioners

You can help control and minimize the release of ozone depleting substances into our atmosphere by properly servicing and disposing of your refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. You can also purchase new refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners that use ozone-friendly refrigerants or less harmful chemicals.

  • Only properly trained technicians should service your refrigeration or air-conditioning units.
  • Qualified technicians should have a technical certification or trade qualification and they must be permitted under the ODS&OH regulations.
  • Do not dump fridges, freezers or air-conditioning units at a landfill or dump. Leave them in a segregated area where you can recover the refrigerant.
  • If your vehicle has a malfunctioning air conditioning system, do not recharge the system with ODS&OH.

If you are a technician working on ODS-containing equipment and require further information, please see the New Rules for Ozone Protection: Information for Technicians factsheet.


For questions about ozone depleting substances and other halocarbon permits, email [email protected] or phone: 867-667-5683 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5683.

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